
Hidden Facts about Mugu

Mugu is one of Nepal’s most remote areas and remains relatively unexplored by international travelers and mysterious even to Nepalese. It was part of the ancient Malla Kingdom of the Karnali River basin. It traditionally cultivates the fascinating blend of Buddhist and Hindu religious and cultural practices. The majority of Mugu lies in the rain shadow of the Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Himalayan ranges and is very arid. It is the least developed district of Nepal.

Rara Lake, positioned in Mugu district, is Nepal’s largest lake with a circumference of approximately 13km. Further, Mugu has many different wild herbs used in traditional herbal medicine such as the highly valuable ‘Caterpillar Fungi’ (Yachargumba) used in the treatment of amoebic dysentery among other things, guchi chyau which has an anti-spasmodic effect, panchaunle which is used as a tonic, satuwa a poison antidote as well as bhutkesh, kutki and keshar.

Though unexplored, Mugu still keeps nature’s secret hidden treasure in the Himalayas. Hence, to have a unique cultural glance in such remote area of Himalayas within Nepal and to touch the purity of Rara Lake, why not join Himalayan Glacier’s locally developed popular trip packages that take into the depths of Mugu district of Nepal.

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