
How to travel safely during COVID 19 Pandemic?

After being locked down for more than a year following the pandemic, many people want to stretch out their legs and resume traveling again. However, the situation around the world is not yet back to normal. 

Governments all over the world imposed new travel warnings. But the situation is slowly getting better. Some countries have loosened their travel restrictions. Despite the good news, COVID-19 has not gone away completely. It is still a severe risk throughout the world. 

Safety precautions followed in international flights; fly safe during the pandemic
Following safety precaution during international flight

Most citizens in countries like America, Canada, and other European countries have received vaccinations and want to resume traveling. But, health officials have warned even the vaccinated people to take all necessary precautions. 

Many countries are making proof of a negative COVID-19 test a requirement upon arrival. Those who test positive on arrival are required to quarantine (and some countries require all travelers to undergo a quarantine period, whether or not they provide a negative test result).

So, if you want to fulfill your desires of traveling in the current situation, you have to be extra careful. In this blog, we are taking you through some tips on lowering the risk of contracting coronavirus while traveling in the current situation.

1. Check your government travel advisory.

Before you plan a trip, you need to check your local government travel advisories. Following the global pandemic, different countries have brought changes to their travel policies. So, it would be best if you stayed updated before you make plans.

2. Make smart travel decisions.

You need to be extra smart while making travel decisions. You should look for destinations, hotels, and operators that are following the COVID-19 safety guidelines properly. And ensure your safety.

At Himalayan Glacier, all our staff members, including our climbers, leaders, Sherpa guides, and porters, have received the COVID-19 vaccine.

3. Fly safe during the international flights

As per researches, there are fewer chances of the virus spreading on aircraft because of air filtrations. This does sound reassuring, but flying does have risks. So, you need to constantly wear a mask and wash your hands well with soap and water before and after eating or drinking and after using the bathroom.

4. Safe travel tips during COVID-19

Preventing the spread of COVID-19 is everybody’s responsibility. So, if you are out traveling, it is up to you to do everything possible to minimize the spread of the virus and comply with the requirements set by the country’s government where you are traveling.

Frequent use of sanitizer; Safe travel tips during COVID-19
Masks and Sanitizer are the absolute protection against COVID-19

Some simple tips that you can follow to do your part are mentioned below.

  • Wear a mask everywhere you go. Even if there are few restrictions at your destination, you should strongly consider wearing a mask in public. 

    Some new forms of the coronavirus are more contagious than the original strain. For added protection, experts recommend wearing two masks (a disposable surgical mask along with a cloth mask).
  • Develop a habit of washing your hands thoroughly and regularly, and avoid touching your face. While washing hands with soap and water is the most effective way to avoid getting sick, it’s also a better option to carry hand sanitizer for times when you don’t have access to soaps.
  • Practice social distancing. You need to maintain a distance of six feet or more from people outside immediate travel companions.
  • You need to be aware of local laws before you reach the travel destinations and comply with them. 
  • Finally, if you do see any symptoms of COVID-19 or think you may have been exposed, you need to isolate yourself.
  • For the last word, if you’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, that is great news! However, you still need to take every precaution as per the suggestions by health experts. Also, don’t forget to get a proper travel insurance whenever you travel abroad, regardless the country.
    Read here for more info on travel insurances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are general tips to follow while traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic?

While traveling one should strictly focus on personal hygiene, maintaining physical distance from other travelers, constant use of masks, frequent use of hand sanitizer, and following the respiratory etiquettes.

Q. What should I do if I feel unwell while traveling amidst the global health crisis?

The most common symptoms of Coronavirus are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. Other symptoms include loss of taste or smell, aches, and pains, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, red eyes, diarrhea, or a skin rash which are different from person to person.

So, if you feel unwell with these symptoms do not panic as they are common symptoms of diseases like flu and high altitude sickness. Communicate with your guide or your troop leader and follow necessary precautions to return back safely. If you are traveling solo immediately seek help at the nearest medical station. 

Q. Can I travel after getting the COVID-19 vaccine? 

Since there is still debate whether the vaccinated person can still be a carrier of the disease, different countries have developed their own policies regarding travel protocol. So it is best to consult with the embassy of the particular country or your travel service provider regarding if the country you plan to travel to is allowing visitors.

Q. Is COVID-19 Vaccine mandatory for traveling?

This depends upon the travel protocol of the particular country. Countries like Cambodia, Bahamas, and Cyprus are allowing travelers to enter their territory with a negative PCR report. But however, it is still recommended to travel after being completely vaccinated both to reduce the risk and hassle during your trip.

Q Is the mandatory quarantine applicable to vaccinated tourists as well?

With travel bouncing back most of the countries are starting to lift the mandatory quarantine requirement. However, in most of the countries, the travelers are tested for COVID upon arrival, whether vaccinated or not. If the test is positive, the travelers are obligated to stay in quarantine until tested negative for Coronavirus.

1 Response
  1. Gabriella Lopez
    Gabriella Lopez

    It is a wonderful article tips for women travelling solo, which can be the best option as per your need. I like how you have researched and presented these exact points so clearly. This is really very informative for us.

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